Friday, May 17, 2024

The sad state of calendar en to-do apps.

It is now the year of Our Lord 2024, and we have Machine Learning models that can do all kinds of weird stuff.

And yet, something as simple as a calendar app that does the following doesn’t exist yet:

  1. Get to know my work and sleep schedule (for example, I sleep 8 hours a day, usually between 22:00 and 06:00).
  2. Take all my to-do items (or reminders, whatever you want to call them) and put them in my calendar.
    1. Preferably not back-to-back, but with some time in between to catch a breath.
  3. If a to-do item is on-site, automatically add travel time.
  4. If a to-do item isn’t finished or done at all, add it to my calendar again at the next opportunity 
  5. Is there no hole in my schedule big enough to accommodate the calendar item? Skip until the next day/time when I do have the time.

Ronald pointed me to an article that says Apple will try to combine the Reminder and Calendar apps in iOS 18. I hope Apple doesn’t muck it up. For now, I’m disappointed at Fantastical, which I paid €7.99 per month for, in the hope that it would do the things described above. 

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