Wednesday, September 14, 2011

handige tools !

Een lijstje handige IT tools waar je wellicht iets aan zult hebben :

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Over telefoon ontvangst, nucleaire energie en waarom je teveel betaalde voor die premium HDMI kabel.


Een selectie van wat het internet deze dagen aan kennis te bieden heeft :

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Opera or Chrome ? Opera triumphs…


I red an article (here : that was lauding the bliss that is Chrome and felt compelled to reply with this post. Since it is the result of a stroke of insight, I figured i should post it here on my own blog as well ;-)


I'm reading and writing this message on Opera. I can see that the Opera browser only has 5% market cap in India.

This is unfortunate for some good reasons.
To give you a clear and straightforward reason : only a few years ago Microsoft got a big fine for selling an OS with a pre-packed browser. This was Bad For Competition.

Now fast forward to 2011 and imagine a content provider/producer/hoster, who also happens to sell an OS (Chrome notebook) with a pre-packed browser, which you by the way can not un-install to pick one more to your liking. (This you can still do on Win XP or Linux, fortunately).

Sounds familiar ?

So, why not choose for a browser which has No Other Interests than simply making browsing itself a great experience ?

If you like to know more i recommend :


I’m looking forward to hearing for YOU ;-)

Some stuff of interest I ran into on-line.


Some stuff of interest I ran into on-line.


And here some cool programs that only run on a Mac (sorry, but you’ve got to go with the times).

Monday, September 05, 2011

Fwd: programmeren ?

Hier een paar handige links voor mocht je (willen gaan) programmeren :

Ik kwam op bovenstaande website dankzij Hackers News op