- Een tool om een overzicht van lopende projecten te maken : https://trello.com/
- Een tool om op je werkplek geen KVM te hoeven gebruiken : http://tweakers.net/nieuws/76725/nieuwe-tool-laat-muis-via-netwerk-voor-kvm-spelen.html#reacties
- Een tool om netwerk verkeer mee te onderscheppen (en mee te "fidelen") : http://conceptdev.blogspot.com/2009/01/monitoring-iphone-web-traffic-with.html
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
handige tools !
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Over telefoon ontvangst, nucleaire energie en waarom je teveel betaalde voor die premium HDMI kabel.
Een selectie van wat het internet deze dagen aan kennis te bieden heeft :
- Heb je slecht ontvangst op je mobiele telefoon omdat je ver van een GSM mast af woont? Niet getreurd, je kunt zelf een GSM mast maken, zie hier hoe : http://www.shareable.net/blog/a-low-cost-low-power-diy-cellular-data-network
- Hoe Afghanistan aan zijn GSM netwerk kwam, en waarom we het niet konden afluisteren toen we dat wilden in 2001 : http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/08/washington-dropped-the-ball-on-a-secret-afghan-wireless-communications-company-that-might-have-prevented-911
- Lees hier over waarom een 300 euro HARMAN KARDON HDMI kabel niet beter is dan een el-cheapo 5 euro HDMI kabel : http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20056502-1/why-all-hdmi-cables-are-the-same/
- Denk je dat Thorium het sci-fi stadium gaat ontgroeien. William Pentland van Forbes denkt van wel, lees hier waarom : http://www.forbes.com/sites/williampentland/2011/09/11/is-thorium-the-biggest-energy-breakthrough-since-fire-possibly/
- Blijkbaar delen anderen, waaronder een heleboel geleerden, zijn mening en daarom is de “Weinberg foundation” opgericht, lees meer in dit Guardian artikel : http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2011/sep/09/thorium-weinberg-foundation
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Opera or Chrome ? Opera triumphs…
I red an article (here : http://blog.arpitnext.com/2011/09/chrome-beats-internet-explorer.html) that was lauding the bliss that is Chrome and felt compelled to reply with this post. Since it is the result of a stroke of insight, I figured i should post it here on my own blog as well ;-)
I'm reading and writing this message on Opera. I can see that the Opera browser only has 5% market cap in India.
This is unfortunate for some good reasons.
To give you a clear and straightforward reason : only a few years ago Microsoft got a big fine for selling an OS with a pre-packed browser. This was Bad For Competition.Now fast forward to 2011 and imagine a content provider/producer/hoster, who also happens to sell an OS (Chrome notebook) with a pre-packed browser, which you by the way can not un-install to pick one more to your liking. (This you can still do on Win XP or Linux, fortunately).
Sounds familiar ?
So, why not choose for a browser which has No Other Interests than simply making browsing itself a great experience ?
If you like to know more i recommend : http://mac.appstorm.net/reviews/internet-reviews/opera-the-awesome-browser-that-nobody-uses/
I’m looking forward to hearing for YOU ;-)
Some stuff of interest I ran into on-line.
Some stuff of interest I ran into on-line.
- Our society can yet be saved.
We should probably start with our women. Read this article by Lisa Bloom : http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/dont-dumb-girls-down-20110829-1jh86.html - And don’t forget about the men. They need help too.
Watch this video on “the demise of guys” : http://blog.ted.com/2011/08/05/talk-and-survey-are-we-seeing-the-demise-of-guys-philip-zimbardo-on-ted-com/ - So you need a new Curriculum Vitae? Take my advise. Insert it once on Linked-In, and use it many times over.
For example with this awesome website : http://vizualize.me/.
It makes pretty visual representations of your CV. See this example : - Just a new and funny way of browsing the wild West that is the internet : http://canv.as/.
- So your cool image-CV made an impression ? Good for you.
Now read this blog posting on how not to spoil a job interview : http://www.skorks.com/2010/12/here-is-the-main-reason-why-you-suck-at-interviews/ - I do not know your question, but the answer is Google. Or, why engineers do not ask questions but are browsing all the time. Read here about how to finds the best how-to’s on-line : Engineers love Google.
And here some cool programs that only run on a Mac (sorry, but you’ve got to go with the times).
- Sparrow is a neat mail client : http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/
- So some kid stole your Mac or Windows PC? Not to worry. That is, if you installed Prey : http://preyproject.com/
- We all use Dropbox to store our files, don’t we (i don’t because i use Zumodrive, ahum..) and now we want to seamlessly sync multiple folders? Well, there’s an app for that and it’s called MacDropAny : http://wiki.dropbox.com/DropboxAddons/MacDropAny. Windows version also at this link.
- Cool advertizing for the iPad 2. I wait for the iPad 3 but you can have your go now : http://www.onemorething.nl/2011/09/ipad-reclame-wil-jij-iets-leren/
- So you have an Apple Mac Mini and now you realize you need a cool screen ? Here’s a 27” version with Thunderbolt support : http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/09/06/apple_shipping_first_thunderbolt_displays_to_stores_resellers.html
Monday, September 05, 2011
Fwd: programmeren ?
- Een korte uitleg over bit-hacking : http://www.skorks.com/2010/10/write-a-function-to-determine-if-a-number-is-a-power-of-2/
- We leren te weindig hoe te leren, maar hier is hulp : http://www.skorks.com/2010/03/how-to-answer-a-programming-interview-question-and-look-good-doing-it/
- Stel dat je ooit nog moet gaan soliciteren, dan hier wat mooie tips : http://www.skorks.com/2010/03/how-to-answer-a-programming-interview-question-and-look-good-doing-it/